8th Graders Join Climate Strike in Boston
Posted with the permission of Mikaila ‘20, who joined classmates Barrett ‘20, Charlie ‘20, and Carter ‘20 at last week’s global Youth Climate Strike, and reported on their experience.
Last Friday September 20, 2019, four eighth grade students decided to show their support at the youth climate strike in Boston.
Getting off the train to head into Boston to attend the rally and strike.
Organized by Greta Thunberg, hundreds of other protests alike took place in other cities around the world.
We marched to Beacon Street.
In front of the state house we protested the Charlie Baker administration and his political standpoint.
The Green New Deal
The Green New Deal is a climate proposal introduced by New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and co-sponsored by Massachusetts Senator Edward J. Markey.
The Green New deal calls for:
The federal government to wean the United States from fossil fuel infrastructure projects and to stop planet killing greenhouse gas emission industries across the board
Securing high paying jobs working for clean energy industries
Seeks to address economic and racial injustices intensified by climate change
To declare a state of emergency on the climate crisis
We got our picture taken with Massachusetts State Senator Edward J. Markey.
He is a supporter and co-sponsor of The Green New Deal legislation who was at the march to show his support for the youth climate activists.
“What you do now, we children can’t do in the future. So please, treat the crisis as the crisis it is and give us a future.”
-Greta Thunberg 16’ environmental activist
Extra Ways YOU can help fight climate change:
Change to energy efficient light bulbs
Recycle and compost
turn the lights off when you leave a room
Pick up litter
Get a reusable water bottle
Shop locally when you can
Take cold showers
Wash clothes in cold or warm water not hot water
Offset your carbon emissions
Plant a tree
Buy less bottled water
Get a reusable water bottle
Don’t leave your car running
Use unbleached paper towels
Avoid plastic
Fly on planes less
Ride your bike instead of driving when you can
Be the change.
#Strikewithus #ClimatestrikeBoston #thisisGUS