Faculty Celebration: Milestones + Departures
Faculty Milestones:
Celebrating 30 years
Bruce Emerson
P.E. Teacher
Celebrating 10 years
Pamela McCoy
Lower School Learning Specialist
+ Director, GAIN@GUS
Ray Novack
Band Teacher
Departing Faculty:
Courtney Anastasia-Murphy, Learning SPecialist
Courtney Anastasia-Murphy came to GUS on her very first day with the cutest little baby one ever did see. While we all adore Finn (and Declan now, too), it was Courtney who charmed us all. She shared her love and care with students, teachers, and families. Passionate about supporting young learners and helping them find their way, Courtney not only advised her students, she also shared an important voice that was especially valuable as we faced academic consequences as a result of the global pandemic. Wise, insightful, empathetic, Courtney pulls people in and makes them feel valued, seen, and heard. She was the perfect homeroom partner for Jeffrey Bartsch and the 8E team offered our eldest students the ideal combination of autonomy, independence, and loving care. Most of all, Courtney did all that needed to be done. Our younger students will lovingly remember her as their library teacher in her first year. In all ways, Courtney made GUS a better place and we are so grateful for her efforts and so happy she won’t be far away. We thank Courtney for all her work with grateful hearts.
Annie Barton, Trip Coordinator
In truth, Annie Barton has tried to retire many times. She was lured back simply by loyalty to a school she truly loves. Over her years at GUS, she has coached many athletes, including a few undefeated teams, and planned many trips. Passionate about service, Annie has worked to make the service week a meaningful and valuable experience, especially when faced with the challenges of a global pandemic. Yet, the most meaningful gift she has given to GUS is just endless happy memories and just so much laughter. Annie has helped run Sunshine Fund and spread brightness and joy whether to an individual going through difficulties or when everyone needed a pick me up. Annie was always there. From helping with the Boar Cup or managing the New York City trip, getting art supplies for Winaukee, on the field as a coach, or subbing in a classroom, Annie always did whatever the school has needed done. The Wild Boar Classic, or as some affectionately call it, the Annie Barton Invitational, has grown in its popularity, but also its success, and we sincerely hope Annie will still remain involved. Most of all, Annie has represented what it means to truly love the Glen Urquhart School. Today we honor her love for and loyalty to our small school with sincere gratitude.
Jeffrey Bartsch, 8th Grade Humanities
Jeffrey Bartsch came to GUS in 2011 and during his tenure, there have been countless students who have credited him as being their most influential teacher. Known for setting the bar high, Jeffrey could often be found after or before school meeting with students and doing everything he could to help them find success. He always believed in his students and they responded. From giant maps, to elections and current events, to poetry, Jeffrey demonstrated what it means to be a true Renaissance Man. On top of all he taught students in the classroom, he also coached them in soccer, ran the clock during basketball games, and taught us all the joy of ultimate frisbee. Of course, there were also the trips, pints of ice cream shared in the NYC trip after he led what felt like an endless walking tour, a dip in lake at Winaukee, or dinner with alumni, Jeffrey just knows how to connect. Perhaps it was chess or the Mets, woodworking or a favorite tv show, Jeffrey knows how to pull the kids in. As one student put it, “the most significant thing he did for our class, however, was that he came to be a good friend to us all…I will always remember him as a friend.” Jeffrey Batrsch was a good friend to us all, student, teacher, and parent alike. We know he will not be a stranger and welcome his visits to campus as he continues to share his wisdom with us all. Jeffrey Bartsch is a true treasure and it has been an honor to have been his colleague and friend.
Sydney Clarke, 7th Grade English + Life Skills Teacher
Sydney Clarke and Glen Urquhart School are so woven together it’s hard to know where one starts and the other ends. Perhaps because it doesn’t and never truly will? Sydney Clarke began her teaching career here at GUS teaching 5th grade and coaching lacrosse in 1993. Since that time, she has worn many hats: Admissions Associate, 7th grade English teacher, Secondary School advisor, Life skills teacher, Mind Spill editor, and 8th grade class dean. Her main task over the last few years was to shepard 7th graders through an English course focused around Who Am I? Personally, I have loved when 8th graders in their Evening with the Graduate speeches respond back: I still don’t know! It is perhaps, the trickiest of questions, with no real answer, especially for a middle schooler, but oh the conversations and writing that come from asking the question. I marvel at all the young people who have shared so much of themselves with Sydney. More than anything, she has cultivated a trusting relationship that allows her students to be honest and oh the power in what she has taught them, as she recently shared in the last Tartan. Her gift is that everyone wants to tell her their story, students and colleagues. We all value her sage wisdom and for those of us that work with her, her dedicated friendship. She returned once before, so I won’t say it may never happen, but for now, we send her off with love and gratitude. Sydney is GUS and GUS is Sydney and we are so grateful that tie is bound too tightly to ever be truly undone. Now is her time to trust and go forward and we send her off with full hearts.
Dawn Curtis, Interim Director of Admission
Dawn Curtis came to GUS during our most trying days. As interim director of admission, Dawn had to not only manage all the challenges of a pandemic, she also had to help us reimagine a safe, and yet still inviting, admissions process. From representing GUS at admissions events to getting our youngest students out of the car each morning, all of us have appreciated Dawn’s warmth and gentle way. On her watch over the past two years, she managed two roller coaster enrollment cycles and researched and evaluated a new information system that will go into effect next month. These are two important feathers in her cap as she moves on from GUS. Yet, what we appreciate most was Dawn’s willingness to do whatever needed to be done. She is a true team player and we know she will be a valuable addition to her next squad. We look forward to continuing to welcome Dawn to campus and visiting her in the admissions office at Brooks School!
Anna Mei Gubbins, Interim Upper School Spanish Teacher
It’s hard to believe that Anna Mei Gubbins has only been with us since January. Of course, it was a return, Anna Mei worked here for the 2019-2020 school year and is also an alumna, so maybe that is why her return was so seamless. Anna Mei just belongs here! Words will never express our gratitude for returning when we needed her most and for offering such a steady experience for our students. Anna Mei has a wonderful way of connecting with students, a skill for challenging them in fun and creative ways, and a knowledge of the GUS philosophy that is so invaluable. Every minute that she has been at GUS as been a great gift and we are so proud of her for tackling new challenges that will take her just down the road to Endicott. Happily, she will always be around the corner and available to tutor and support students as needed. We thank Anna Mei for everything and are confident she will never be a stranger to the GUS community.
Katelyn O’Donnell, Kindergarten Teacher
At GUS, we love to watch students grow, at any age. Katelyn O’Donnell came to us as an undergraduate student intern, grew into a Endiott fellow as she completed her masters, and started her teaching career this year at GUS. What a joy it has been to watch Katelyn evolve and to have been a key part of her journey! She originally came with thoughts on teaching music, but an interaction with Elliott Buck cemented her place in the classroom. Over her time, first in second grade and then her two years in Kindergarten, it has always been clear that Katelyn has that thing that can’t be taught. She is a natural with young people and we have all admired the way she brought herself to the work. Her videos are wonderful examples not only of her strong work, but also of her unique talents strengthening the connection between school and home. It is worth noting that Katelyn has taught during the years when it has truly been the hardest on teachers and she carried herself with the professionalism and grace of a seasoned pro. While we will miss Katelyn dearly, we wish her well on her next big adventure. She will always have a home here at GUS.