Glen Urquhart School

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April Showers Bring May Flowers: May Tartan

Dear GUS Community,

It is hard to believe we have reached the final days of the school year! They say time flies when you are having fun and that has certainly been true here at GUS, these last few weeks especially! The Class of 2024 wowed us once again with their Addam’s Family musical, and this was on the heels of an amazing service trip to Puerto Rico! Both of these events, and a truly epic Arts Night, have cemented a very special bond and strong legacy for our graduating class. We look forward to celebrating them on June 12th on Bartlett Field.

We also are excited to celebrate Sandy Thoms on the occasion of her retirement! Sandy is truly the most dedicated and devoted of teachers. She has been the model GUS teacher for 36 years as she steadily and thoughtfully taught our children. As a colleague, Sandy also guided and mentored so many, including me, while always demonstrating her own commitment to professional learning. She has always wanted to know more in order to do more and as a result, she has been a true difference-maker here at GUS. Of course, we also have to mention her sincere commitment to DEIJ efforts and her dedication to inclusivity. In all ways, Sandy will be leaving quite a legacy and as Macy Bornhorst, a member of the class of 2024 and one of Sandy’s kindergarten students, said, GUS just won’t be the same without her. We look forward to celebrating Sandy on June 14 here at GUS.

Graduation, end-of-year events, retirements, the countdown to summer is on. Read about Music teacher Patty Clark’s summer trip to Norway to get an idea of what some teachers do during the summer months and check in with graduate Cooper McGrath who is making a name for himself on and off the field.

Finally, as the year draws to a close, we are excited to move forward with a new Long Range Plan, GUS33. After two years of work, we now have new strategic directions to guide GUS into the future. Big things are happening for our small school and we are excited to get started. We look forward to sharing our progress as we dig in and get to work on making GUS33 a reality.
