Leading with Joy: October Tartan

One of the wonderful things about our new mission statement is that it begins with ‘through the joys of learning.’ In early drafts that part had been at the end, and at the suggestion of our faculty, we moved it to the front. That change felt so right! Here at GUS, we always lead with joy and that has certainly been true this fall.

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A Futurist Approach to Strategic Planning

As the GUS strategic planning process continues, in partnership with the Board of Trustees and the school, Head of School Gretchen Forsyth shares why it's important to look to the future needs of our children to find creative and innovative ways to push our school further, and bring our vision to life.

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Learning Together by the Sea

The collaboration between Glen Urquhart School and the Cape Ann Museum has been growing and thriving for years. In recent years, the partnership has grown in many ways, allowing students to enhance their learning in the visual arts, social studies, persuasive writing, and speaking.

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Akwaaba from Ghana, Summer 2023

I have taught math at Glen Urquhart School since 2011. I love teaching math, especially making connections to real life experiences. I work to connect the math curriculum to social justice, but sometimes in class I announce: we’re not doing math today, we’re going to learn about how the Transatlantic Slave Trade is connected to racism and white privilege.

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